Snower Valley Public School is one of the best School in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, providing the highest quality and truly international standards of education. Snower Valley School holds firm in its belief that students do their best and teaching becomes productive when research is underlined as a criteria for scholarship, systematically guided by dedicated and quality teaching.

We place a particular emphasis on the development of qualities of leadership and teamwork.

The school has impeccable infrastructure for class learning and a well-equipped staff of qualified teachers who are deeply conscious of their stellar part that they play in not just teaching students but in shaping and molding the citizens of tomorrow.

Ever since its inception, the school has made rapid progress in every area. Its alumni have reached top positions. Many of them are plonking at high positions in Medical, Engineering, Academics, Defense, Administration and the Corporate World.

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Student AND Alumni Testimonials

“Having access to amazing teachers and amazing professionals makes such a difference in letting students find their voice.” 

            Shivanjli Bhardwaj

“To have this perspective and mode of thinking really sheds new light onto topics that we’ve looked at in the same way for a very long time.” 


“SVS was really the greatest factor in who I am now. There’s really no other way to put it. I’ve been places, I’ve met people, experienced things, seen technology, done things that I just never would have been exposed to. I hope that the message, the community, and the vision continue to grow and inspire people worldwide.” 

            P C Thakur

“If SVS School was not in my life, I would be a completely different person. It taught me how to be independent; it taught me how to go after things that I believe in. I don’t think I would have had those things in my life if it wasn’t for the school.” 

                       Neeraj Thakur

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